
Esthetical mesotherapy actively supports cell regeneration as well as the production of collagen, and it stops the moisture loss of the skin by rehydrating it with substances such as hyaluronic acid. This makes the skin look younger, fresher, tighter and more vitalized.

The targeted insertion of nutrients across the skin barrier allows the process to take full effect in the desired areas. Therefore, this therapy is especially effective for the treatment of cellulite, hyperpigmentation, hair loss and scars.

To achieve the desired outcome, the right choice and combination of high-quality substances is essential. With Mesostyle® products you can guarantee your customers immediately visible, natural and effective results.


•Slow hair growth

•Dehydrated hair fibers A


•Decreased firmness, atony of the skin of face

and body

•Loose skin and flaccid cellulite

•Stretch marks


•Inhomogeneous skin coloration

•Problems with hyperpigmentation

•Dry and tired skin

•Light-damaged skin


•Fibrous cellulite

•Localised fat depots


•Wrinkled and sagging skin

•Photoaged skin

•Dehydrated skin