
PLASMA-X is a revolutionary All in One kit. It is registered as a CE class IIa medical device. It contains everything you need for PRP preparation including PRP kit, needle, anticoagulant and syringes.

With its innovative solution of ability to maximize platelets numbers, the system is easy to use and cost effective. It also provides great advantages to shorten PRP preparation time with 1 single spin method (5 min) and to produce booth PPP and PRP. PLASMA-X can also work with different types of centrifuge systems.


  1. Transparent cylindrical kit allows clear visibility for easer extraction
  2. The curved neck design reduces possible cell loss
  3. PRP and PPP can be extracted from a single kit by one-time centrifuging
  4. High concentration rate of platelets (7 – 8 times)
  5. No need to use needles to collect the PRP or PPP
  6. Closed system to prevent air contamination possibility
  7. Always yield the maximum amount of PRP regardless of the operator skills
  8. Compatible with any angle/swing type centrifuge

PLASMA-X Key Features